Important IoT Blogs for Building IoT Research & Solutions
Bosch ConnectedWorld Blog
We all know Bosch. In this blog, they cover all the aspects related to the IoT, starting from strategy to the implementation. They have several experienced authors that give you a different point of view about IoT. The contributors are partners, customers, and so on.
Hackster is a huge community of developers and makers. The main aim of this site is for learning people to design and develop connected devices. It has several sections covering projects developed using different prototyping IoT boards. On this website, you can find IoT projects described in greater detail and you can find new ideas for your next project.
Even though it is not a traditional blog, Libelium offers a great list of resources and white papers covering several aspects of IoT. You can use this site to learn more about IoT and how to develop real-life projects.
IBM IoT blog
IBM is one of the biggest companies in IT. Its IoT blog is always up to date and teaches you the most innovative technologies surrounding the Internet of Things. Additionally, it covers several aspects related to IoT and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things).
Microsoft Blog
Microsoft is another big player in IoT. In their blog, you can find information about their products related to the Internet of Things and articles about the future of IoT.
Arduino Blog
Arduino is one of the most-used prototyping boards. Their boards are used in a wide variety of IoT projects, and I have used them several times in my own projects. In their blog, you will find a range of interesting projects that use Arduino boards. This blog is very useful when you want to approach IoT from the technical point of view. Their huge list of projects opens your mind and you realize just how many things you can do using IoT.
Raspberry Pi Blog
Raspberry Pi prototyping boards are widely used in the IoT projects. Their blog offers you a complete understanding of the power of Raspberry boards and the projects we can build using these boards. It is the best place to learn how to use Raspberry Pi products and how to develop your own IoT projects.
ReadWrite IoT
This IoT blog is focused on providing relevant news about IoT. You will not find source code for IoT projects, but it opens your mind to real-life IoT implementation, use cases, and news.
CB Insight
As stated on its website, “The CB Insights tech market intelligence platform analyzes millions of data points on venture capital, startups, patents, partnerships, and news mentions to help you see tomorrow’s opportunities, today.” You can find information about IoT and related technologies.
IoT Council
The council provides the latest news about IoT. It offers a large selection of white papers covering several aspects giving a guide in the strategic decisions.
IEEE Internet of Things
This is the mission as stated in their blog: “The mission of the IEEE IoT Initiative is to serve as the gathering place for the global technical community working on the Internet of Things; to provide the platform where professionals learn, share knowledge, and collaborate on this sweeping convergence of technologies, markets, applications, and the Internet, and together change the world.”
To conclude, let me mention that this blog was aimed at comparing some of the IoT giants and blogs associated. While my personal blog is just a dwarf in comparison, it keeps growing and provides lots of technical information about IoT and Android development.
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